AI és gépek biztonsága ingyenes on-line kurzus angolul

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Digital manufacturing: free online seminars
Research results from occupational safety and health

How can artificial intelligence support the safety inspection of machines? What does the increasing digitalization of human-machine interaction mean for occupational safety? How robust is Industry 4.0 against cyberattacks? These and other questions will be addressed by international experts in a digital lecture series developed by the IFA in cooperation with the Section Machine and System Safety of the International Social Security Association (ISSA).

Every Monday afternoon from April 15, 2024, you can look forward to an exciting hour of lectures and discussions in English. Registration is not necessary, you can simply dial in via the registration link to the WebEx conference. Please note that the starting time varies!

május 13: Industry 5.0: new Man-Machine Interaction

május 27. Resilience of industry 4.0 during cyber-attacks: safety application for workers

június 10. Risk assessment for workers with CIEDs exposed by electromagnetic fields, “according to the German Ordinance on the protection of workers against hazards caused by electromagnetic fields (EMFV)

júnus 17. Exoskeletons at work – Overview and evaluation for Occupational health and safety

június 24. Occupational Safety in Collaborative Robot Applications

július 1. Ongoing legislation / standardization – security
