Délutáni webinárok a Waterloo-ból

A Waterloo-i Egyetem (Kanada) folytatja mozgásszervi ergonómiai előadás sorozatát. A webináriumok előzetes regisztráció után ingyenesen megtekinthetőek (majd vissza is nézhetőek). Kezdés magyar idő szerint 17 órakor.

A soron következő témák: betegmozgatás, álláskönnyítő szőnyegek, otthoni számítógépes munkaállomások.

A Restorative Care Approach to MSD Prevention and Reducing Two-Person Transfers: A Resource to Support Provider Decision-Making – Part 2

March 25, 2024 | 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM EDT

This webinar is offered through the Client/Patient Handling Community of Practice (CoP) and provides an overview of the updated decision aid tool, Transfer Equipment Resource: Considerations for Promoting Restorative Care and Optimal Client Function.

In current practice, two-person transfers are often high-risk, resource-intensive activities that can limit opportunities for client mobility and independence. This resource supports regulated practitioners/assessors in considering a diverse range of available equipment when selecting transfer approaches. Information about each option is presented with a restorative lens to help providers identify options which “achieve the required tasks as comfortably and safely as possible for the client and care provider while promoting client independence/rehabilitation.”

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Anti-Fatigue Mats and Their Relationship to MSD Prevention

March 27, 2024 | 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM EDT

While anti-fatigue mats are a common intervention for reducing work-related musculoskeletal discomfort during prolonged standing, there is mixed evidence on their effectiveness. Most anti-fatigue mats are ‘softer’ (i.e., more compliant) than standard workplace floors. While this compliance may be associated with enhanced comfort in some workers, it has the potential to influence other aspects of work-related function (e.g., balance, slip-resistance), many of which are workplace specific.

This webinar will present the most recent evidence related to anti-fatigue mats and MSD health and discuss factors that influence their potential effectiveness from a range of work-related perspectives.

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Conducting Home Office Virtual Assessments: How it is Done and What You Need to Know to Set Up Your Home Office Workstation

April 15, 2024 | 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM EDT

Virtual office assessments have become a common method of evaluating workstation setup by ergonomists since the pandemic. This webinar will discuss what is required to conduct virtual assessments as well as provide recommendations on proper workstation setup and equipment that can be used to minimize risk for musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) when working from a home office.

This webinar will cover:

  • How to prepare for the assessment
  • Objective data collection and how to get the most accurate information virtually
  • How to guide the assessment/conversation
  • How to provide real time recommendations – a feat in communication
  • Home office recommendations to accommodate many price/cost/funding levels
  • Follow up

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