IEA 2021: meghosszabbított határidő

A message from Ian Noy, IEA2021 Congress Chair:

We have received numerous requests to extend the abstract submission deadline from people who are facing challenges from the economic lockdown due to COVID-19 and need some additional time. Given these difficult circumstances, we are extending the paper submission deadline to October 16.

You are invited to submit a proposal for presentation at the 21st Triennial World Congress of the International Ergonomics Association: IEA 2021 in Vancouver, Canada, June 13 to 18, 2021. The IEA invites participation from researchers and practitioners from around the world. There is still time to organize your submission – the submission deadline has been extended to October 16, 2020.

IEA2021 is an opportunity to hear from the world of HF/E specialists. To ensure a wide variety of voices will be heard, if program space limitations are a concern, each presenting author may be limited to ONE lecture presentation. There is no limit to the number of communications that an author may present by interactive ePoster or may co-author so long as other lectures are presented by a colleague.


A konferenciát hibrid módon (személyes és on-line) rendezik meg, így nem kell Kanadába utazni, hogy az egyik legrangosabb ergonómiai világ konferencián előadhassunk!